Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), muasir fizikanin ve teleskopik astronomiyanin banilerinden olan Italiyan elm adamidir. 1564-ci ilde Italiyanin Pisa seherinde anadan olub. Zemanesinin taninmis musiqicilerinden Vincenzo Galilei-nin oglu olan Galileo, ilk tehsilini Floransada almisdi. 1581-ci ilde Pisa universitetinde tibb tehsiline basladi, ancaq imkansizliqdan ( pulu olmadigindan) universiteti terk etdi. 1583-cu ilden riyaziyyata maraq gosteren Galileo , bu sahede calismalari neticesinde 1589-cu ilde Pisada professor oldu.
Uzen cisimlerin ve hereketin Aristotel fizikasindan ferqli bir dusunce ile riyazi olaraq ele alinmasi lazim olduguna inanan Galileo, Pisa qalasindan agirliq dusurderek Aristotelin sehv fikirde oldugunu gosterdi. Bu hereketi yasli professorlarin anlamamasina sebeb oldu. 1529-cu ilde Pisani terk ederek , Padova Universitetine geldi.
1600-cu ilde termometr, insan ureyinin doyuntulerini qeyde alan saygac ve 1604-cu ilde serbest dusmenin riyazi qanunlarini kesf etdi. 1609-cu ilde Hollandiyada teleskopun tapildigini esitdi, Bundan sonra ozu daha mukemmel teleskop duzelderek astronomiyada istifade etmeye basladi.
1610-cu ilde aydaki daglar ve. s . ucun ilk musahidelerini apardi.
1611-ci ilde Romaya getdi ve ordaki Elmler Akademiyasinin uzvu secildi. Floransaya donduyu zaman hidrostatik ucun bir cox professorun etirazina sebeb olan kitabi ile 1613-cu ilde gunes lekeleri ucun yazdigi eserini cap etdirdi. Bu eserinde Kopernik sistemini aciq sekilde mudafie etdi. 1615-ci ilde Romaya gederek oz fikrini mudafie etdi. Ancaq 1616-ci ilde Papa Besinci Paul terefinden Galileonun kitablarini yoxlamaq ucun komissiya quruldu .Bu komissiya Galileonun kitablarina qadaga qoymadi .Sadece dunyanin donmesi iddiasindan el cekmesini istedi.
Galileo , bir muddet elmin praktik terefine dondu , mikroskopu inkisaf etdirdi. Ancaq 1618-ci ilde uc quyruqlu ulduzun gorunmesi ile kilse ile munaqiseye girdi. Dostunun Sekkizinci Urban olaraq Papa secilmesinden cesaret alaraq yazdigi “Iki kainat sistemi uzerinde danisiqlar” adli eserini 1632-ci ilde cap etdirdi. Ancaq kitabi daha evvel edilen xeberdarliqlara zidd oldugunda gore Roma mehkemesine cagirildi. 1633 –cu ilde bu kitab qadagan edildi ve Galileonun ozu de hebs edildi.
Yetmis yasinda hebs edilen Galileonun gozleri kor oldu ve 1642-ci ilde hebsde olarkan oldu.
in english
Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei was an Italian physicist and astronomer. He was born in Pisa on February 15, 1564. Galileo's father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a well-known musician. Vincenzo decided that his son should become a doctor.
In 1581, Galileo was sent to the University of Pisa to study medicine. While a student at the university, Galileo discovered that he had a talent for mathematics. He was able to persuade his father to allow him to leave the university to become a tutor in mathematics. He later became a professor of mathematics.
In 1609, Galileo heard about the invention of the spyglass, a device which made distant objects appear closer. Galileo used his mathematics knowledge and technical skills to improve upon the spyglass and build a telescope. Later that same year, he became the first person to look at the Moon through a telescope and make his first astronomy discovery. He found that the Moon was not smooth, but mountainous and pitted - just like the Earth! He subsequently used his newly invented telescope to discover four of the moons circling Jupiter, to study Saturn, to observe the phases of Venus, and to study sunspots on the Sun.
Galileo's observations strengthened his belief in Copernicus' theory that Earth and all other planets revolve around the Sun. Most people in Galileo's time believed that the Earth was the center of the Universe and that the Sun and planets revolved around it.
The Catholic Church, which was very powerful and influential in Galileo's day, strongly supported the theory of a geocentric, or Earth-centered, Universe. After Galileo began publishing papers about his astronomy discoveries and his belief in a heliocentric, or Sun-centered, Universe, he was called to Rome to answer charges brought against him by the Inquisition (the legal body of the Catholic Church). Early in 1616, Galileo was accused of being a heretic, a person who opposed Church teachings. Heresy was a crime for which people were sometimes sentenced to death. Galileo was cleared of charges of heresy, but was told that he should no longer publicly state his belief that Earth moved around the Sun. Galileo continued his study of astronomy and became more and more convinced that all planets revolved around the Sun. In 1632, he published a book that stated, among other things, that the heliocentric theory of Copernicus was correct. Galileo was once again called before the Inquisition and this time was found guilty of heresy. Galileo was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1633. Because of his age and poor health, he was allowed to serve his imprisonment under house arrest. Galileo died on January 8, 1642.
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